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Triosonatas For Organ
Johann Sebastian Bach

Reine-Marie Verhagen / Tini Mathot

Triosonatas For Organ

Price: € 12.95
Format: CD
Label: Challenge Classics
UPC: 0608917231427
Catnr: CC 72314
Release date: 27 February 2009
1 CD
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€ 12.95
Challenge Classics
Catalogue number
CC 72314
Release date
27 February 2009

About the album

This CD represents an effort to recover some of the lost chamber music of the Leipzig cantor. The six organ trio sonatas on this CD feature the instrumental combination of recorder and harpsichord or organ. Occasional alterations had to be made to accommodate the recorder. Some keys have been altered to suit the range of the recorder, something Bach also did regularly with his own arrangements. In this context, an aria from the Cantata BWV 182 ‘Himmelskönig sei willkommen’ serves as an example. Bach arranged this 1714 cantata in another key a decade later. The alterations he made to the recorder part of the aria ‘Leget euch dem Heiland unter’, so as to improve its playability in the new key, provide a valuable source of information.

Prachtige arrangementen van Bachs triosonates
Binnen J.S. Bachs wonderlijk rijke orgelrepertoire zijn de zes triosonates voor orgel uniek in hun moeilijkheidsgraad en muzikale pracht. De bewerkingen op dit album zijn gemaakt voor blokfluit en klavecimbel of orgel. Enkele noten zijn aangepast om de blokfluit tegemoet te komen in zijn bereik, iets wat Bach ook vaak deed met zijn eigen arrangementen. In de afgelopen eeuwen hebben de triosonates voor orgel vele musici geïnspireerd om zelf arrangementen te maken. Deze arrangementen vormen een welkome en waardevolle aanvulling op het 18e-eeuwse blokfluitrepertoire.

Op de opnames op dit album worden uitgevoerd door Reine-Marie Verhagen op blokfluit en Tini Mathot op het orgel en de klavecimbel. Reine-Marie Verhagen studeerde blokfluit aan het conservatorium van Amsterdam. Ze is vast lid van het Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra, onder leiding van Ton Koopman, en trad op in een aantal 17e-eeuwse opera's met het ensemble La Sfera Armoniosa, onder leiding van Mike Fentross. Ze is als docent en performer actief in Europa, Japan en de Verenigde Staten.
Tini Mathot studeerde piano en klavecimbel aan het conservatorium van Amsterdam. Ze werkt nauw samen met haar echtgenoot en voormalig docent Ton Koopman. Ze is dan ook producer van Ton Koopman en het Amsterdam Boroque Orcherstra & Choir. Mathot is voornamelijk actief als uitvoerend musicus op het gebied van kamermuziek. Samen vormen Verhagen en Mathot de basis voor het Corelli ensemble.

Die Orgeltriosonaten haben in den letzten Jahrhunderten viele Musiker zu Bearbeitungen inspiriert. Auf vorliegender CD wurden die sechs Orgeltriosonaten in der Besetzung für Blockflöte und Cembalo oder Orgel aufgenommen. Manchmal mussten für die Blockflöte kleine Änderungen vorgenommen werden. So wurden ein paar Tonarten dem Tonumfang der Blockflöte angepasst. Bach hat das in seinen eigenen Bearbeitungen auch oft gemacht. Reine-Marie Verhagen unterrichtet seit 1998 Methodologie und Blockflöte am Königlichen Konservatorium Den Haag. 1980 gründeten Reine-Marie Verhagen und Tini Mathot das Corelli-Ensemble, das sich der Aufführung des überwältigenden Repertoires an Kammermusik für Blockflöte widmet.


Tini Mathot

Tini Mathot was born in Amsterdam. She studied piano and harpsichord at the Amsterdam Sweelinck Conservatory. She enjoys a close collaboration with her husband and former teacher Ton Koopman. Together they perform many popular and lesser known works, giving recitals and performing in chamber music projects in the major concert halls of Europe, the United States and Japan. Tini Mathot regularly appears as a soloist together with Ton Koopman in concertos for two (or more) harpsichords and orchestra. She has recorded double concertos of J.S. Bach, C.P.E. Bach, J.F. Reichardt and C. Schaffrath with the Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra. Tini Mathot is a member of the Corelli Ensemble, whose members include Reine-Marie Verhagen. The ensemble was awarded the Diapason d’Or in France for...
Tini Mathot was born in Amsterdam. She studied piano and harpsichord at the Amsterdam Sweelinck Conservatory.
She enjoys a close collaboration with her husband and former teacher Ton Koopman. Together they perform many popular and lesser known works, giving recitals and performing in chamber music projects in the major concert halls of Europe, the United States and Japan. Tini Mathot regularly appears as a soloist together with Ton Koopman in concertos for two (or more) harpsichords and orchestra. She has recorded double concertos of J.S. Bach, C.P.E. Bach, J.F. Reichardt and C. Schaffrath with the Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra.
Tini Mathot is a member of the Corelli Ensemble, whose members include Reine-Marie Verhagen. The ensemble was awarded the Diapason d’Or in France for its recording of Haydn trios (with Andrew Manze and Jaap ter Linden), issued by Erato. The CD recording of Schubert’s ‘Winterreise’, sung by the baritone Klaus Mertens with Tini Mathot playing an original Rosenberger fortepiano, was released in 2005, followed by a recording of J.S. Bach’s organ trio sonatas with Reine-Marie Verhagen (recorder) and Tini Mathot (organ and harpsichord) in 2008, both CDs issued by Challenge Classics.
In her capacity as producer for Ton Koopman’s Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra & Choir and also for other ensembles, Tini Mathot has produced numerous CDs for Erato, Teldec and Antoine Marchand/Challenge Classics, among other labels. She is the producer of the complete series of Bach cantatas by Ton Koopman and the ABO&C as well as the Opera Omnia of Dieterich Buxtehude, which Ton Koopman is currently working on. In addition to these activities Tini Mathot teaches harpsichord at the Royal Conservatory of The Hague.
 Tini Mathot plays on a fortepiano by Mathias Müller, Vienna c. 1810 (with a range of 6 octaves FF-f4, an Empire-style case with bronze fittings and Caryatid legs), from the collection of Edwin Beunk, Enschede (NL). The instrument is typical of the Viennese building style around 1810. Mathias Müller had a reputation as an innovator with regard to instruments and was ‘Kaiserlich-Königlich priviligiert’.


Reine-Marie Verhagen

Reine-Marie Verhagen studied the recorder with Pieter van Veen and Walter van Hauwe and graduated in 1976. She is a regular member of the Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra, conducted by Ton Koopman. With the ensemble La Sfera Armoniosa conducted by Mike Fentross she performed several 17th century operas. For the past 10 years she has also regularly performed 17th-18th and 20th-century music in San Francisco, Amherst, Boston, and New York. Verhagen takes keen interest in the contemporary repertoire. For the Steve Reich festival at the Royal Conservatory at The Hague in December 2003, she made a very successful transcription of his Vermont Counterpoint for solo recorder and an 11-member recorder ensemble. This composition was also performed in October 2007 at the International...
Reine-Marie Verhagen studied the recorder with Pieter van Veen and Walter van Hauwe and graduated in 1976. She is a regular member of the Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra, conducted by Ton Koopman. With the ensemble La Sfera Armoniosa conducted by Mike Fentross she performed several 17th century operas. For the past 10 years she has also regularly performed 17th-18th and 20th-century music in San Francisco, Amherst, Boston, and New York.
Verhagen takes keen interest in the contemporary repertoire. For the Steve Reich festival at the Royal Conservatory at The Hague in December 2003, she made a very successful transcription of his Vermont Counterpoint for solo recorder and an 11-member recorder ensemble. This composition was also performed in October 2007 at the International Minimal Music Festival in Kassel, Germany, in combination with the premiere of a new minimal composition, written for Reine-Marie Verhagen, by Ulli Goette: “Mural”.
Not confining herself exclusively to musical performance, Reine-Marie Verhagen was a co-founder and former member of the board of the Dutch branch of the ERTA


Johann Sebastian Bach

Johann Sebastian Bach was a German composer and musician of the Baroque period. He enriched established German styles through his skill in counterpoint, harmonic and motivic organisation, and the adaptation of rhythms, forms, and textures from abroad, particularly from Italy and France. Bach's compositions include the Brandenburg Concertos, the Goldberg Variations, the Mass in B minor, two Passions, and hundreds of cantatas. His music is revered for its technical command, artistic beauty, and intellectual depth.  Bach's abilities as an organist were highly respected during his lifetime, although he was not widely recognised as a great composer until a revival of interest in and performances of his music in the first half of the 19th century. He is now generally regarded as one of the greatest composers of all time.  

Johann Sebastian Bach was a German composer and musician of the Baroque period. He enriched established German styles through his skill in counterpoint, harmonic and motivic organisation, and the adaptation of rhythms, forms, and textures from abroad, particularly from Italy and France. Bach's compositions include the Brandenburg Concertos, the Goldberg Variations, the Mass in B minor, two Passions, and hundreds of cantatas. His music is revered for its technical command, artistic beauty, and intellectual depth.

Bach's abilities as an organist were highly respected during his lifetime, although he was not widely recognised as a great composer until a revival of interest in and performances of his music in the first half of the 19th century. He is now generally regarded as one of the greatest composers of all time.



Play album Play album
Sonata IV BWV 528: Adagio - Vivace
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Reine-Marie Verhage, Tini Mathot
Sonata IV BWV 528: Andante
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Reine-Marie Verhage, Tini Mathot
Sonata IV BWV 528: Un poco allegro
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Reine-Marie Verhage, Tini Mathot
Sonata V BWV 529: Allegro
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Reine-Marie Verhage, Tini Mathot
Sonata V BWV 529: Largo
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Reine-Marie Verhage, Tini Mathot
Sonata V BWV 529: Allegro
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Reine-Marie Verhage, Tini Mathot
Sonata II BWV 526: Vivace
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Reine-Marie Verhage, Tini Mathot
Sonata II BWV 526: Largo
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Reine-Marie Verhage, Tini Mathot
Sonata II BWV 526: Allegro
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Reine-Marie Verhage, Tini Mathot
Sonata I BWV 525: ...
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Reine-Marie Verhage, Tini Mathot
Sonata I BWV 525: Adagio
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Reine-Marie Verhage, Tini Mathot
Sonata I BWV 525: Allegro
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Reine-Marie Verhage, Tini Mathot
Sonata VI BWV 530: Vivace
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Reine-Marie Verhage, Tini Mathot
Sonata VI BWV 530: Lento
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Reine-Marie Verhage, Tini Mathot
Sonata VI BWV 530: Allegro
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Reine-Marie Verhage, Tini Mathot
Sonata III BWV 527: Andante
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Reine-Marie Verhage, Tini Mathot
Sonata III BWV 527: Adagio e dolce
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Reine-Marie Verhage, Tini Mathot
Sonata III BWV 527: Vivace
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Reine-Marie Verhage, Tini Mathot
show all tracks

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